Posted by
Quinn Madson
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Posted on
9:03 PM
I ran into a problem the last time Ubuntu upgraded either the kernel or grub (not sure which); Either way, it blew away my Chameleon bootloader and replaced it with Grub. Here's how to fix it:
- Reboot from the iATKOS v7 CD
- Deselect all checkboxes except the one for Install Chameleon
- Install
Now you should be able to boot into OS X but, Ubuntu will be unavailable.
- Boot from the Ubuntu Live CD
- Open the Terminal from Applications >> Accessories
sudo -s
mkdir /mnt/r
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/r
mount --bind /dev /mnt/r/dev
mount --bind /proc /mnt/r/proc
chroot /mnt/r
grub-install --force /dev/sda4
Posted by
Quinn Madson
Posted in
Posted on
1:43 PM
It appears that CommonSpot (version 5, at least) ignores Application.cfc files when using a custom script in the same directory. In CF Wheels, Application.cfc is used to setup the entire framework.
Here is what I did to get it working:
- Put your CF Wheels application in the customcf/ subdirectory
- Rename Application.cfc to application.cfc (This is done to prevent the application from being initialized twice if accessed outside the CMS.)
- Edit the index.cfm at the root of the application directory:
<!--- Manually instantiate the application.cfc --->
<cfset server.railo = structNew()>
<cfset server.railo.version = "fake version">
<!--- If this is the first time the application has run, call the onApplicationStart method --->
<cfset app = CreateObject("component","application")>
<!--- Call the onRequestStart method and pass the current page as a parameter --->
<cfif not structKeyExists(application, "wheels")>
<cfset app.onApplicationStart()>
<!--- Call the onRequestStart method and pass the current page as a parameter --->
<cfset app.onRequestStart(cgi.script_name)>
<!--- This is the only original line in the file --->
<cfinclude template="wheels/index.cfm">