I've been building a web app that analyzes data from an application called Ultimate Racer used to control the race track circuit for slot car racing. Ultimate Racer conveniently keeps all of it's data in a SQLite database.
However, getting the SQLite database to work with Railo was a little problematic so, I'm documenting the process here in the event that I need to do it again or someone else is googling how to make it happen.
Due to a series of unfortunate events, the surface mounted 1/8 jack was torn off of the board of this Korg Monotron analog synth. I decided to try and tie into the existing onboard speaker to allow the synth to still connect to external speakers or mixer.
I drilled a small hole on the left side to allow wires into the enclosure.
I noted the wires so that if pulled, the solder joints won't be stressed.
I ran the new line-out red line into the existing solder joint for the onboard speaker.
I desoldered the black line to the onboard speaker. I made a joint between the new line-out black line, the speaker black line, and a new jumper.
All soldered together and bit of heat shrink.
Connected the switch (momentary - normally off) to the original speaker black line solder joint and to the jumper from above.
All put together with the switch mounted and a lesbian adapter on the 1/8 inch male plug end.
Here is a video of the synth put back together and operating. First part of the video (~20 secs) is demoing the momentary switch activating the onboard speaker. The rest is using an external speaker system.
This here is just a space for holding my Titanium Studio customizations to extend or overwrite the provided ruble for snippets. Feel free to use them and let me know if you have any additions that help you code faster.
snippet 'inspectObject' do |s|
s.trigger = "inspect"
s.expansion =
'Ti.API.info("Inspecting Object: " + ${1:myObject});
for (var thing in ${1:myObject}) {
Ti.API.info("${1:myObject}." + thing + " = " + ${1:myObject}[thing]);
snippet 'Ti.API.info qk' do |s|
s.trigger = 'dump'
s.expansion = 'Ti.API.info(\'[qk]:${1:variableName}\ = \' + ${1:variableName});'
snippet 'Alloy On Event' do |s|
s.trigger = 'on'
s.expansion =
'${1:myObject}.on("${2:click}", function(e){
snippet 'Ti.API.info' do |s|
s.trigger = 'info'
s.expansion = 'Ti.API.info("${0:log}");'